Friday, August 15, 2014

New Moon - Stephenie Meyer

New Moon

All is not well between demon-magnet Bella and Edward Cullen, her vampire Romeo. An innocent papercut at Edward's house puts Bella in grave danger when various members of the Cullen family can barely resist their hunger at the smell of blood. The Cullens promptly leave town, afraid of endangering Edward's beloved, and Bella sinks into an overwhelming depression. Months later, she finally emerges from her funk to rebuild her life, focusing on her friendship with besotted teen Jacob from the reservation. Bella's unhealthy enthrallment to Edward leads her into dangerous and self-destructive behavior despite her new friends, and supernatural complications are bound to reappear. Bella's being hunted by an evil vampire, and Jacob's adolescent male rage turns out to be incipient lycanthropy: It seems many Quileute Indians become werewolves in the presence of vampires, their natural enemies. Psychic miscommunications and angst-ridden dramatic gestures lead to an exciting page-turner of a conclusion drenched in the best of Gothic romantic excess. Despite Bella's flat and obsessive personality, this tale of tortured demon lovers entices.

My Thoughts:
Good news: I liked this book much better than Twilight. There was more going on in the story to keep me entertained, and I'm really glad that Jacob played a much bigger role in this book.
Bad news: I still cannot stand the character of Bella. She is so dramatic and at the same time flat and boring. She is so reckless, with no concerns to the consequences of her actions, as well as no concern for the people around her, except maybe Edward, with whom her life revolves around.
I'm still up in the air about whether or not to read the next book. If I do it will be awile, because I definitely need a break from Bella!

Rating: C+

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